Acerca de DRY-BAG®

DRY-BAG® Moisture Absorbers are a registered trademark product line of Dry-Bag®, a company founded by Mr. Anders Bendt in 1960 as a shipbroker in the Port of Aarhus, Denmark. In 1979, they launched DRY-BAG® to solve the problems of moisture, condensation, rust, mildew, corrosion, fungus, peeling labels and wet boxes in the export of containerized goods. These problems are caused by moisture and condensation that accumulate inside containers during transport. As exclusive representatives of Dry-Bag® in Spain, we offer directly from the factory different presentations of moisture absorbent bags to eliminate moisture in homes, closets, storage rooms, cottages, boats and any environment with humidity levels above optimum. With more than 30 years of experience in the market, Dry-Bag® has become a brand of prestige and quality that guarantees the protection of your goods and products against humidity.

They are made from möler clays, mixed with calcium chloride, so it is a 100% ecological product, not harmful to the environment or food products, and can be disposed of as common waste.

The entire DRY-BAG product line contains NO Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF), no silica gel, and no toxic substances banned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).


This product absorbs approximately 80% of its own weight.

It does not drip when it reaches its maximum absorption capacity.

It is 100% ecological, environmentally friendly and can be disposed of as common waste. It is non-toxic and can be used to protect food.

Factory warranty.

Traceability code printed on each absorbent.

100% amigable con el medioambiente (arcilla de möller es una diatomita).

Easy, fast and safe to install.

Highly shock-resistant bag.

Patented brand of moisture absorbers, recognized worldwide.

Made from unique clay of Danish origin (möler clay) mixed with calcium chloride.

It does not contain silica gel or Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF) and does not contain toxic components or substances banned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

We have technical data sheets and certifications.

We provide technical advice if required.

It has a shelf life of 100 days once the package is opened, and up to 2 years in its original packaging.

Obtain benefits such as:

Avoid products damaged by humidity, fungus, packaging deterioration, detachment of labels, rust, stains, among others, and the consequent cost of money involved.

Reduce the risk of damage to your products during storage or transport to 0%.

Convenient to use and dispose of as common waste.

The DRY-BAG® does not leak when it reaches its maximum absorption capacity.

Shelf life of 100 days after opening.

It can be stored in its closed package for up to 2 years.

Eliminates bad odors caused by humidity.